MAKE MORE Sales, Enjoy More Satisfaction & Achieve More Success

Selling From Your Comfort Zone

The Sales, Satisfaction, & Success FORMULA for SELLING FROM YOUR COMFORT ZONE

Experience an extraordinary transformation from being a searchlight chasing leads and sales into a Brilliant Lighthouse who stands out above the crowd.

"Salespeople often feel under-valued, under-appreciated, and under-paid. The antidote to all these feelings is Stacey's ground-breaking Alignment Marketing Formula. She discloses the secret to growing your audience and making sales in a way that feels comfortable, RIGHT, and fulfilling."


Author, Zero Limits and Hypnotic Writing

“What if the key to selling with integrity is to get IN your comfort zone? If we want to genuinely connect with people and make a positive difference, we will embrace this disruptive approach to persuasion and get IN our comfort zone. Get ready to change the way you approach others. Get ready to change the way you do business.

When you get IN your comfort zone and act in alignment with your core values, other people are more likely to respond in kind.
And that's a win for everyone


CEO of The Intrigue Agency

"Stacey Hall has ignited a sales revolution. This strategy will help you align with your core values, and from an authentic place create more sales in your business without rejection... get ready for a breakthrough!"


DigitalMentors Co-Founder

You want to make an impact and leave a meaningful imprint on the world - right?

Envision creating genuine connections with prospects - upholding your authentic values - attaining financial prosperity and stability - unleashing your boundless potential - and effortlessly balancing your professional and personal life!

What’s Been Holding You Back?

Why Have You NOT Been Making Sales or Achieving Your VISION…

  • Maybe you believe you are not good at selling because you hate annoying people with pushy pitches?

  • Maybe your limiting beliefs are keeping you afraid that no one wants to hear what you have to say?

  • Maybe you are embarrassed to say you are a salesperson?

  • Maybe you are exhausted from trying to get out of your comfort zone to be successful and you are still not making money?



It takes tremendous courage to strive for success on your own terms. But, read on before you decide you don’t have what it takes to be successful…

“Your worthiness is measured by the impact you're striving to create.”

You have the power to make a profound impact, not only in the business world, but also in the lives of those you touch. Your uniqueness is your strength, and your genuine approach will resonate with those who truly appreciate authenticity.

It's possible to reach a broader audience and connect with prospects and clients in a meaningful way - to make offers without compromising your integrity - and to remain in alignment with your values.

Stay true to your vision and let your passion guide you. Your commitment will lead you to the financial stability and security you deserve.

Keep believing and keep shining your authentic light.

The best is yet to come. You’re ready. Now I will show you the way.

Stacey Hall

Bestselling Author, Speaker, TEDx Presenter, & Coach


  • The clarity and confidence to stick to your Vision and Purpose consistently

  • Relatable brand identity to instantly create a bond with your ideal audience

  • Soul-satisfying marketing strategies, both online and offline, that bring ideal prospects to you

  • A seamless method to make offers that’s comfortable for you and produces sales effortlessly

  • A healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout, maintain well-being, and experience the contentment that comes from personal and professional achievements.

  • Goal-fulfilling mentorship to quickly stop overthinking, solve problems and provide encouragement, feedback and validation

  • A powerfully positive mindset to eliminate self-doubt, overcome challenges, and maintain momentum towards the achievement of your goals.

Sounds too good to be true?
It’s NOT!

Which of these fears are going through your mind
right now?

  • No one wants to hear what you have to say

  • Making offers requires being pushy, aggressive and hearing NO all the time

  • There's not enough time to build a successful business and take care of personal and family needs

  • It feels awkward meeting new people

  • You don’t feel worthy to be successful


Have you been spending more time struggling to get out of your comfort zone than you do serving your audience?

And - as a result - you are also struggling to make as much money as your products and services are worth?

Well, that's exactly the reason why I created this 'Selling From Your Comfort Zone' Masterclass!

By taking each step in this success-boosting strategic training, you will gently and easily expand your comfort zone and strengthen your sales confidence because... you will know exactly what to sell, who to sell it to, and what to say so your ideal audience will say YES and buy it from You!

After completing this course, you will have mastered an easy self-alignment process that transforms you from being a searchlight into a powerfully brilliant lighthouse so your ideal audience buys from you
and you leave a satisfying legacy that lives on long after you are gone.


The main reason that most sales people don't make offers and close sales is that they have been taught to focus on "getting out of their own comfort zone" and do what is not in aligment with their values and personality...instead of focusing on how to serve their audience.

This Masterclass teaches you what they don't know!

Because you will know what to sell, who to sell it to, and how to serve your ideal audience ... YOU will make more sales, have more satisfaction and more success..finally!

MODULE 1:  Why Your Comfort Zone is actually Your Power Zone

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea.

  • Welcome to ‘Selling From Your Comfort Zone’

  • Best Practices and Program Overview

  • Review the Cheat Sheet

  • The Failure-Making Myths and Sales-Success Truths about Your Comfort Zone

MODULE 2: How To Get Back Into Alignment With Yourself

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • Ways You May Have Been Selling Out on Yourself and How to Stop Doing It

  • How to Shift From Being a Searchlight and Start Being a Brilliant Lighthouse

  • Defining the Sales-Boosting Boundaries of Your Comfort Zone

  • How to Put Fear In Its Place By Tapping Into Your Power

MODULE 3: How To Increase Your Confidence and Credibility To Make More Sales

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • How to Know You Are Selling What Is 'The Right Thing' For You To Sell

  • How to Build Your Audience, Engage With Your Audience, and Sell To Your Audience = Your Way

  • How to Create The Perfect Time to Make An Offer

MODULE 4: How To Create Alignment With Your Prospects

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • The Key to Becoming Irresistible to Your Prospects (Most People Have No Clue!)

  • How to Create Content That Your Prospects Find to Be Valuable

  • How to Craft a Marketing Message That Makes People Want to Buy From You

  • Where to Hang Out to Meet Your Ideal Prospects

MODULE 5: How To Be ALIGNED With What You Sell

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • How to Stop Doing Battle and Start Making Sales

  • Why You Don’t Need a Script Anymore

  • How to Use 'The Scale of Sales' To Stop Wasting Their Time and Yours

MODULE 6: Your Daily Method For Making Sales From Your Comfort Zone

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  • How to Manage Your Work/Life Priorities to Avoid Burn-Out

  • How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Saying ‘NO’ to Shoulds.

  • How to Quit Comparing Yourself to Others

  • How to Make Sure Setbacks Don’t Stop You

  • How to Create Confidence in Every Choice You Make

  • How to Manage An Abundant Business


I've designed several additional bonuses to compliment this training and help you take masterful action on what you have learned.

BONUS #1 - Members Only Facebook Group ($297 Value)

Have you been longing to belong to a supportive community where you can build connections with other successful entrepreneurs and sales professionals, who are all doing business authentically and comfortably - and are in alignment with their core values and purpose-full mission? This is the place!

Within this group you will discover even more practical insights and strategies to enhance your sales effectiveness.

7 days a week - enjoy a boost to your confidence, energy, and courage, ultimately increasing your chances of achieving the success you desire!

BONUS #2 - 9 Steps to YES! ($297 Value)

Unlock the secrets to unwavering self-assurance. Embark on a transformative journey of 9 self-validating personalized explorations to embrace your true potential, unleash your power, magnetize positivity, and effortlessly shape your world your way.

BONUS #3 - Selling From Your Comfort Zone Cheatsheet ($97 Value)

Ever jump into a course and then feel like you are falling behind or lost your place?

Not sure what to do first to use your time and energy most efficiently?

Do you like to skim through information first and then go back to take the 'deep dive'?

Well, if you said 'YES' to any or all of these questions, then this easy-to-follow Cheatsheet to the Masterclass will be priceless for you!

It will answer:
What do I do first?
Am I doing it right?
What do I do next?
Can you give me some examples?

It is a simple abbreviated guide so you always know the next step to take as you study and put into action the 'Selling From Your Comfort Zone' Masterclass.

Consider it the secret key to unlock The Sales, Satisfaction, and Success Formula quickly!



Adrienne Hill

Online Business Strategist


Discover the surprising traffic source that top industry earners don't know about and the secret strategy that generates 1,000+ HOT leads from other people's followers, and they are happy to share them with you! You will learn how to get booked out with up to 100 automated, incoming sales calls while you watch your leads flow in!


Financial Coach / CFO

Bonus: Master Your Business Finances and Plan for Exponential Growth

Tired of not understanding your numbers or having a plan to scale your business? In this powerful training, financial coach Audrey Faust will share her proven "Prosperity Blueprint" framework that has helped countless entrepreneurs get control of their money.


Award-winning podcaster, author, media relations expert, founder Nardi Media LLC

Bonus: Beyond the Book Pages

Everything you need to know about mastering your message and getting placements in the media to change hearts and minds. Filled with tips and insights from 20+ years of experience on both sides of the camera, this guide draws from Ashley’s first-of-its-kind program that takes a heart-centered approach to help you find your voice & learn how to use it to gain new business, followers & fans.


Positive Psychologist Practitioner

Bonus: The Aroma Reset technique

Download the steps to quickly release negative emotions to reset your mood and emotions. Let go of stress and overwhelm and experience clarity, calm and focus.

Loralee Humpherys

LSHC, LMT, Spiritual Health Coach

Bonus: 5 Tips to Regain Calm, Control and Harmony

Running Exhausted On An Empty Tank, Wondering When You'll Ever Have A Chance To Rest and Rejuvenate?  Loralee Humpherys, Spiritual Health Coach, created a helpful guide with easy action tips to calm and reset your nervous system, to support your brain to give you better clarity, and to release and resolve stressful emotions within minutes.

Carla Archer

Productivity for Profitability Strategist

Bonus: From Chaos To Control - Choosing The RIGHT Automation For Your Business

Essential Time-Saving Guide to user-friendly AND customizable marketing automation systems so you can streamline your business processes, focus on money-making activities, and become more productive and prosperous quickly

Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the “You World Order Showcase” Podcast

BONUS: Strategic Podcast Guesting Workshop

Discover the secrets to successful podcast guesting. Drawing from her firsthand experience interviewing almost 400 coaches, Jill dives into the three biggest mistakes guests make when featured on podcasts. Learn from these common pitfalls to elevate your podcast appearances and maximize your impact.


Business and Personal Transformation Coach and Trainer

Bonus: Midlife Transformation Awakening

Private access to the mental tools to rid yourself of past programming that isn’t working FOR you - but AGAINST you - and create a NEW program that will make you feel LIMITLESS and UNSTOPPABLE and

become CONFIDENT, EMPOWERED and the BEST version of yourself!


Entrepreneur, #1 Best Selling Author, Top 50 Keynote Speaker


If you want to master the money game, the best method is training the subconscious mind to listen, through repeated input to empowering messages applied daily, then hear it as fact, and create for you a new paradigm and program regarding earning money.

Jaunai Walker

International Personal Growth and Business Development Speaker,
Coach & Trainer

Bonus: Positive Persuasion POWER WORDS

Discover the 10,000 words that sell like crazy to vibrantly connect with more paying customers and grow your business bigger! Never run out of what words to say or use to create interest and get the YES!

Jordan Maylea

Social Marketing Coach and Author

Bonus: How to Leverage Automated Sales Funnels to Capture Daily Leads and Sales on Autopilot

The 5-Step formula you can use to show up authentically online and generate daily sales without selling thanks to your automated

funnels that do the selling for you behind the scenes.

Lauren Brollier Newton

Founder of Soul Savvy, Certified Life Coach, Winner - Brave Thinking Institute Outstanding Impact Award,

Inspirational Speaker

Bonus: Coaching Success Secrets

Get the behind-the-scenes

secrets for doubling and tripling your business from an award-winning, 7-figure coach so you can stop struggling and actually do what you were born to do - help people!


Digital Trailblazer, Social Media Marketing Expert, Online Entrepreneur

Bonus: 7-Day Blueprint Trello Board

Create a simple, effective marketing system that generates paying clients like clockwork. Get steps to craft a compelling marketing message to make you unique in the marketplace, to set up a high-ticket coaching funnel to take prospects from cold audience to paying client FAST

, and free & paid options for generating quality traffic!

Lorraine Ball

Entrepreneur, author, professional speaker, host of ‘More than a Few Words’ Podcast

Bonus: Search Intent Workbook

People use search engines to research sites to provide entertainment and to solve problems. If you want people to find your business using search engines you must be able to anticipate the questions your prospective customers are likely to ask. Use this workbook to build pages which answer their questions and produce sales.

Mark Harbert

Social Media Marketing and Lead Generation Expert, Multiple 6-Figure Earner

Bonus: Video Creation and Re-Purposing Checklist

A step-by-step in-depth guide for creating pillar videos and promoting them for maximum leads & sales. Mark started marketing online in late 2008 and has generated over 150,000 leads online using social media and made over 3 million dollars in sales using the strategies in this valuable checklist.

Tara Oliphant

Business coach, Entrepreneur, Network Marketing Professional, and former District Attorney Investigator

Bonus: Unlock The Secrets To Scaling Your Network Marketing Business

In an ever-growing online space, funnels, automation and email marketing are vital to your success. This significant Guide uncovers the strategies that all top leaders are using to scale their businesses, build dedicated teams, and generate more revenue.

Tony Stark Policci

Warrior, Copywriter, Innovator, Actor, CEO of Absolutely Brilliant Concepts Inc., and Copy Avengers

Bonus: 20 Fill-In-The-Link Email Subject Lines

Want your emails to get opened?  It all begins with an irresistible Subject Line - it has one job: to get attention and get the open. If it fails, your entire email fails. So how do you write an awesome email subject line? Simple – just fill in the blanks on this easy-to-follow template!

Yolanda Kennerly

Founder -

Magnetic Client Attraction Academy

Bonus: Live Video Training

Learn how to attract more leads, build relationships, and establish yourself as an expert. As a person or a brand, you must continue to produce content since consistency is essential to your online success. This workbook will walk you through the steps to create a powerful online presence to gain leads and make your business successful!

Tony Schmaltz

Success Strategist

Bonus: The Best Referral System You Have Ever Seen

Build a Never-Ending Stream of High-Quality Clients or Customers: Learn this Full-Proof Referral Process NOW!


Digital Marketing Expert


How to create an organic social media strategy that drives 2-5+ sales weekly without the hassle of the daily content grind or the struggle of figuring out what to post every single day!




20-MINUTE STRATEGY SESSION: During this BONUS strategy session with Stacey Hall you will receive invaluable insights to refine your sales skills. During this session, expect tailored advice and strategies that align with your specific needs by identifying blind spots,
uncovering opportunities, and
suggesting innovative, yet comfortable approaches you might not have considered.

You will walk away with a personalized short-term and long-term strategy toward achieving your sales goals and maximizing your business!


  • Selling From Your Comfort Zone Masterclass ($997 Value)

  • Access to 18 V.I.P. Master Sessions & Accompanying Downloads ($1746 Value)

  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community ($97 Value)

  • BONUS: '9 Steps to Yes!' Mindset Mastery Training ($197 Value)

  • BONUS: Selling From Your Comfort Zone Cheatsheet ($97 Value)

  • FAST ACTION BONUS: Private 1:1 Sales Success Strategy Session with Stacey Hall ($297 Value)



Special Discount Price: $997

Limited Time Only








We've got you covered so don't worry! If for any reason you are unhappy with the quality of the training and your experience, just let us know within 30 days of your purchase and we'll refund your investment.


How much time will it take to complete this course?

The course is designed so you can go at your own speed - as quickly or as slowly as you like! The point is to stay within your own comfort zone. You will discover a simple, easy-to-implement daily practice of maintaining your alignment and gently expanding the circumference of your comfort zone to avoid feeling overwhelmed as you attract and manage an ever-increasing amount of abundance.  Each energizing guided exercise will expand your ability to make sales faster…
so whether you have 15 minutes or 8 hours a day to watch or listen to the lessons, you will make progress towards more sales, more satisfaction and more success!

How long will I have access to the course?

Once purchased, you will own the course materials for a lifetime of business growth and success. This course expands with you as you expand your skills as a masterful marketer and sales professional - whether you are a CEO, Business Owner, Sales Team Leader, Author, Speaker, or Coach.

What is the Refund Policy for this course?

I’m confident that you’re absolutely going to love the 'Selling From Your Comfort Zone' Masterclass and will see tangible results just like the thousands of fans of my easy Alignment Marketing Formula!  That said, if for any reason you are not satisfied,  we’re happy to give you a refund within 30 days of purchasing. Please submit a refund request to our support team at by the 30th day at 11:59 pm PST. After 30 days, all payments are non-refundable and you are responsible for full payment of the fees for the program. 

I want to be sure this will work for my business and what I want to sell.

The simple tips, guided step-by-step exercises and suggested strategies provided to you are fully customizable to your level of experience and stage of business.

They have been tested over many years and proven to increase sales quickly for a wide variety of entrepreneurs and sales professionals representing every business category…each applying the Alignment Marketing Formula to create a sales strategy that is a perfect fit for them! 

I look forward to hearing that you, too, feel like a brilliant Lighthouse and experience more sales resulting from stronger and more satisfying relationships with prospects who quickly become your customers, clients and strategic collaborators.


I am forever grateful for the transformative coaching journey I experienced with Antonina L. Griffin as my mindset and manifestation coach. Her guidance and support during a dark and trying time in my life truly shifted my mindset and brought me to a place of empowerment and light.

Today, I stand as a living testament to the incredible impact Antonina’s coaching has had on my life. I have emerged from that dark period stronger, more resilient, and with a deep sense of self-belief. I am forever grateful for her unwavering dedication, her profound wisdom, and her genuine care for my success.


Eliane Jean-Claude

Quebec, Canada

When I first sought Antonina’s coaching, I was overwhelmed by negativity and a deep sense of hopelessness. I was trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and limiting beliefs, unable to see a way out. But Antonina’s compassion and insight allowed me to break free from those chains and step into a brighter future.

Antonina guided me to recognize the power of my thoughts and beliefs. She helped me understand that my mindset was the key to unlocking my potential and achieving the life I truly desired. She gently challenged my negative self-talk and replaced it with empowering affirmations and beliefs. Since working with Antonina I’ve acquired a new higher paying job and my life is going great. Thank you Coach Antonina


Tameka Grady

Chicago, IL

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. We make no guarantees regarding income potential or specific results. The success or income level achieved by individuals using our products, services, or techniques can vary and is dependent on various factors such as individual effort, dedication, and market conditions. We cannot and do not make any guarantees regarding your ability to achieve results or earn income with our products or services. Any examples or testimonials provided are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of results or earnings. By using our products, services, or techniques, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any decisions, actions, or outcomes that may result. We disclaim any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our products, services, or techniques.

© Copyright 2024. Stacey Hall Coaching. All Rights Reserved.